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Quechua Phrasebook 4 (Phrasebooks) [Idioma Inglés]

SKU: 1249605837




Travelling in the Andes will be much more enjoyable and worthwhile if you can speak some Quechua, the language of the Incas, also known as runasimi (roo·nah·see·mee).Despite the official status of Spanish, which was brought to Latin America by the conquistadors, you’ll find that Quechua is spoken in six South American countries: Peru, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia, Argentina and Chile. Most Quechua speakers are found in the Andes, although some live in the jungle or on the coast.Two-way dictionaryGuide to pronunciation and phrase-buildingUnderstand when someone tells you the time by the sunPracticalities – how to catch a bus or find a doctorCoverage includes: Pronunciation, Meeting People, Getting Around, Accommodation, Interests, Shopping, Food, Health. NOTA: El libro no está en español, sino en inglés.


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