From the people who have been delivering trustworthy guidebooks to every destination in the world for 40 years, Lonely Planet’s 50 Places to Stay To Blow Your Mind will make your next trip an unforgettable one. From glass igloos in Finnish Lapland to wooden spheres suspended in Canadian treetops; from geodesic domes in the Patagonian wilderness to old-school opulence at New York’s Plaza Hotel – these are the ultimate in overnight experiences. Not every place is a budget buster; sometimes it’s about the spectacular locations, like the gravity-defying Bivacco Gervasutti on Mont Blanc in Italy (page 50). There are places that literally disappear into their surroundings like the Mirrorcube in Harads, Sweden (page 42), and others that stand tall and command attention like the Frank Gehry-designed Hotel Marques de Riscal in Spain (page 92).We’ve only included a place if it gives us a thrill, makes us catch our breath and inspires us to see the world through different eyes. We hope they make you smile, make you marvel, and that they motivate you to go on a journey to a new destination.With this pocket-sized gift book showcasing 50 of the most luxurious, extraordinary and spectacular accommodation offerings around the world, even sleeping will be an adventure on your next trip.. NOTA: El libro no está en español, sino en inglés.
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