After the growing importance of Bilingual schools inMurcia and the implementation of subjects like ?Sciences? or ?Arts and Crafts?,being these subjects the same as ?Conocimiento del Medio Natural, Social yCultural? and ?Educación artística?, with the only difference that these newones are taught in the English language. We can observe how most of the currentteachers don?t feel comfortable when teaching these new subjects, theirstudents have lost their motivation towards these ones and English languageacts as a barrier in the teaching-learning process.With this change, different resources, methodologiesand initiatives appear, making it easier to teach these subjects, however, despitetheir usefulness, these are not generally present in the classrooms.The main objective of this paper is to verify how theuse of games inside the classroom, despite what it is thought, and apart frombeing a playful activity is also an important teaching tool.
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