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Modern History in English. CLIL Materials for “Bachillerato” Students – 9788468671611

SKU: 1928736540



Thisbook is divided into nine units that can be applied either as an optionalsubject in high school, or if possible, within the subjects of History of the ModernWorld, History of Spain in ?Bachillerato? or Social Sciences in 4th ESO. For4th ESO it would be necessary to adapt slightly some explanations. As thecontent of the units and proposed activities are very wide, it can be adaptedto different school planning schedules. The first two units are composed ofvarious items that can be simplified or extended, according to needs. Teacherscan choose the exercises from each unit that most adapt to her/his needs. The glossaryis not exhaustive. Teachers can add any other concepts or materials that theyconsider appropriate


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